
Anti-counterfeiting notice

Report counterfeit goods, you can report them anonymously, MON LUXE thank you for helping to prevent the spread of counterfeit goods.

Counterfeit related information

The only way to ensure that you are buying real MON LUXE is to purchase it directly from MON LUXE or MON LUXE authorized dealers. MON LUXE purchased directly by consumers from MON LUXE or authorized dealers, whether purchased online, by phone, from catalog or at the store, will be genuine and will be accompanied by MON LUXE Limited Warranty.

Purchase from an unauthorized dealer is subject to risk. The product will not be accompanied by a warranty for MON LUXE unless the dealer provides an invoice indicating the purchase of the product from an authorized dealer. In addition, products purchased from unauthorized distributors may be counterfeit or stolen. If you attempt to resell these products, you may face significant civil liability and / or criminal penalties.

What is counterfeiting?
  • Counterfeiting refers to posing as a branded product with counterfeit goods.
  • Counterfeit goods always have poor quality and lack the high-quality details that are expected from the real ones.
  • Counterfeiting can involve organizing crimes, exploiting child labour, and terrorism.
Actions taken by MON LUXE
  • We are actively cracking down on counterfeiters, stores, websites, vendors, and flea markets that sell counterfeit MON LUXE products.
  • We work with local and foreign government agencies and customs officers to curb the sale of counterfeit goods throughout the supply chain.
Report counterfeit goods
  • Please call MON LUXE Customer Service Center:
    +1 7346568264,Or e-mail to [email protected] to report counterfeit goods, you can report anonymously, MON LUXE thank you for helping to prevent the spread of counterfeit goods.
  • Provide the following information to assist MON LUXE against counterfeiters:
    • Location, name, address
    • Type of sales location (retail store, flea market, internet, etc.)
    • Quantity and style of goods sold
    • Whether the goods are sold with MON LUXE or our registered trademark